Organic Mucuna Powder (Mucuna Pruriens) - Non GMO - Organic - Vegan - (230 Gms - ½ LBS )

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Primary Uses : Muscle Protein & Nervine Tonic
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2X (Optimum Potency) :This product is prepared as per traditional Ayurvedic standards. This means the micro pulverized powder of the herb impregnates with its own juice or decoction by trituration (bhavna). The trituration accentuates hidden medicinal properties of the herb and to ensure that the herb, as soon as administered, is absorbed quickly at the cell level. Subtlety should be the quality by virtue of which a product can penetrate in to the smallest capillary and channels of the biological system.

Product Overview


  • Mucuna supports muscle health.
  • Mucuna promotes a healthy nervous system.
  • Mucuna acts as an aphrodisiac and supports reproductive health.
  • It supports bone density and muscle mass development.
  • Mucuna strengthens the immune system.
  • Mucuna powder helps regulate a healthy monthly cycle.
  • It is beneficial for bone health by promoting increased bone density.
  • Mucuna helps purify the blood and body.
  • Mucuna supports lactating mothers.
  • Mucuna promotes healthy sleep patterns.


Organic Mucuna (Mucuna Pruriens) Seed Powder.

Primary Attributes

  • Pure Organic herbal powder, free from additives and fillers.High Quality Pure micronized powder of Authenticated Ayurvedic Herb, with 2X - Optimum Potency-Full Spectrum.
  • Herbs are properly segregated, ultra-cleaned, sieved, dried, and then processed.


  • Take 5 grams of Mucuna powder twice a day with water, 1-2 hours after meals. Take the first dose after breakfast.
  • If mixing with other herbs, adjust the amount of Mucuna accordingly or consult your healthcare provider.
  • It is always advisable to take the advice of a healthcare provider/practitioner before taking any supplement.


  • Pregnant/Lactating women, children, or anyone with known pre-existing conditions should strictly take the advice of your healthcare provider. Keep away from the reach of children.
  • Please read all the ingredients of the herb/composition carefully and do not use them if you are allergic to any of the ingredients used in the herb/composition. You may consume very small dose for few days and check if no adverse reaction occurs continue the dose as per your body's requirements or as per dosage mentioned above.
  • These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. HerbsForever is not responsible for any misuse, harm, or damage by the product in any context. The full extent of these herbs and supplement's actions may never be completely known. It does not represent medical advice. It does not replace or substitute your physician and his prescribed treatment.
  • Color, Taste, and Aroma of the product may change from batch to batch. Tested for quality purity and heavy metal standards.

Quality Evaluation & Quality Guarantee

  • We are one of the most established companies in Ayurveda, having been present in the United States since 1999.
  • We have a direct network for sourcing the freshest seasonal materials.
  • We are dedicated to using primarily certified organic herbs that are sustainably sourced and fairly traded to deliver the highest quality Ayurvedic products. Our powders undergo testing in both in-house and third-party laboratories to guarantee their quality, purity, and safety. Our herbs are produced by GMP/FDA/WHO standards to ensure the utmost quality in manufacturing, packaging, labeling, and climatic control storage operations.
  • High-quality raw materials ensure that the final product reflects exceptional excellence.
  • We source directly from wild forests, organic farmers, growers, and cooperatives both wild-crafted and certified organic herbs as per the requirement.
  • We prioritize human skill over machinery to ensure production remains classic and traditional.
  • We focus on small batch quality over industrial mass production.
  • We deliver top-quality materials at affordable prices.
  • We procure and verify the authenticity of herbs and materials.
  • We adapt to the unique environmental conditions, soil, and regional characteristics of each herb.
  • Ethically Sourced Herbs, Ingredients, and Supply Chains.
  • Purity, Efficacy, Sustainable Sourcing & Commitment to Excellence.
  • Unflavoured, Top quality-control standards in the industry.
  • Dried herbs are finely ground at an optimal frequency to preserve their active properties.

Other Names

Family Name Fabaceae
English Name Cow-Itch Plant, Cowhage
Hindi Name Kaunch Beej
Botanical Name Mucuna Pruriens
Other Names Cowage, Sea Bean, Kiwanch, Cowitch, PoisMascate, PoisVelus, Itchy Bean, Krame, Chiporro, Picapica, Nescafe, Bengal Bean, Mauritius Bean, Couhage, Dolichos Pruriens, FeijaoMacaco, KapiKacchu, Kapikachu, Kawach, Kawanch, Kevanch, Kiwach, MucunaHirsuta, Mucuna Prurient, MucunaPrurita, Pica-Pica, Stizolobium Pruriens.


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